Monday 31 December 2012

Which is the Best Camera ?

Many, many people have asked this question.  Wether or not you are a photo enthusiast, first time camera buyer, or perhaps just in casual conversation with friends or family, this question begs to be different.  Most people will have a choice based on camera manufacture like Cannon or Nikon.  Others will have a choice based on simplicity of use such as point and shoot.  Others in particular photo enthusiasts, will prefer the quality and optics only provided by a Digital SLR or film SLR.  Whatever the case the answer is different depending on who you talk to and their needs, likes and dislikes concerning camera equipment.  With todays advancement in technology, we live in a time that is blessed with choices.  However, the fact remains that imaging or photography brings out our individual creativity in each and everyone of us, so really is camera choice important?
This question actually came up during a portraiture seminar that I attended last Spring.  All the answers presented in class were quite interesting. However one important common sense detail surprised us all.  The best camera is the one that is with you at the time.  Of course I chuckled, until I had to take this picture.  For those of you who know me you know that my camera is not far away, except for this day.  Wanting to just go for a simple walk and not have to stop many times to take pictures, I left my camera back at the cottage.  Well guess what happened.  I was then reminded by my wife that I had my cell phone with me.  That is how I recorded this image.  Captured on a iPhone 4S using max electronic zoom then slightly colour corrected and sharpened in Lightroom 3.6, I was certainly impressed with the result along with the puzzled look on the Doe's face.