Friday 29 June 2012

The Hunt Camp

Nestled away in northern Ontario is this idyllic setting of a red cabin cottage on an remote island in the Lake Nipissing area.  Taken in early November several years ago, you would not have believed there was several inches of snow on the ground days earlier.  Shot at 1/200 sec, f/10, ISO 400, the early morning light through the trees gives this image an almost whimsical look.  I was fortunate to capture this scene because as a rule I do not pack my good camera equipment due to unavoidable weather and trail conditions encountered during the fall hunt.  

Thursday 28 June 2012

Bryan & Lisa Engagement Shoot Cont'd

Not only was the previous post's photograph one of my favourites, but this one is also a favourite but from a "it's different" perspective.  Posed on top of a knee wall in the middle of a busy traffic circle, (Bryan and Lisa I might add were very brave to do this), I and other members of the class were urged on by our instructor to take advantage of the unique background for our photos of the couple.  I shot this particular one at 1/800 sec, f/5.6 at ISO 200 using maximum zoom capability of my lens of 200 mm.  I was probably 15 meters from the couple dodging transit buses. Tonal and sharping adjustments were made in Lightroom 3.6 in order to enhance this image.  This photo makes me feel that the couple is "on top of the world" and ready to take on life's many challenges.

Bryan & Lisa Engagement Shoot

I know I said I am basically a hobbyist photographer, however I had the opportunity as a result of a wedding photography course that I am currently taking, to do an engagement shoot.  The couple Bryan and Lisa were great to work with, very much in love and displaying affection for one another, which made this photo assignment a breeze.  The weather also cooperated with overcast clouds and sunny periods.  This provided good diffused lighting conditions at times.  This particular photo is one of my favourite poses from the shoot.  Shot at 1/160 sec, f8, using fill flash compensation -2, the backdrop of tall grass provides good colour contrast between the couples clothing and background.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

About Me

Photography and it's creativity is what inspires me.  Photography removes me from my everyday hustle and bustle and gives me perhaps a "clean slate" or maybe a different out look on life.  I am not a working professional photographer.  To be one would probably spoil everything including the enjoyment.  My hobby "career" probably began around the age of 8 when my parents gave me a Kodak Holiday Brownie camera kit complete with flash, one roll of Verichrome Pan 127 film and a dozen M2 flash bulbs for Christmas.  I never looked back.  At the age of 13 I became the owner of my first "good" camera a twin lens Kalloflex 120. This was followed by building my own darkroom, working with my uncle who was a Professional, involvement with high school camera clubs and yearbook photography.  Although my working career took me on a different path, photography and the love of photographic equipment continued as a hobby.  By the way I still own those two cameras along with others in my personal camera museum.