Thursday 28 June 2012

Bryan & Lisa Engagement Shoot Cont'd

Not only was the previous post's photograph one of my favourites, but this one is also a favourite but from a "it's different" perspective.  Posed on top of a knee wall in the middle of a busy traffic circle, (Bryan and Lisa I might add were very brave to do this), I and other members of the class were urged on by our instructor to take advantage of the unique background for our photos of the couple.  I shot this particular one at 1/800 sec, f/5.6 at ISO 200 using maximum zoom capability of my lens of 200 mm.  I was probably 15 meters from the couple dodging transit buses. Tonal and sharping adjustments were made in Lightroom 3.6 in order to enhance this image.  This photo makes me feel that the couple is "on top of the world" and ready to take on life's many challenges.

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