Wednesday 27 June 2012

About Me

Photography and it's creativity is what inspires me.  Photography removes me from my everyday hustle and bustle and gives me perhaps a "clean slate" or maybe a different out look on life.  I am not a working professional photographer.  To be one would probably spoil everything including the enjoyment.  My hobby "career" probably began around the age of 8 when my parents gave me a Kodak Holiday Brownie camera kit complete with flash, one roll of Verichrome Pan 127 film and a dozen M2 flash bulbs for Christmas.  I never looked back.  At the age of 13 I became the owner of my first "good" camera a twin lens Kalloflex 120. This was followed by building my own darkroom, working with my uncle who was a Professional, involvement with high school camera clubs and yearbook photography.  Although my working career took me on a different path, photography and the love of photographic equipment continued as a hobby.  By the way I still own those two cameras along with others in my personal camera museum.

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